Harper Lee
Today 7:41 am
8,874 posts
Blackvegetable » 46 minutes ago » wrote: Seriously, Rube....

How many hours?

https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/pol ... 670402007/

A U.S. judge on Wednesday blocked President Donald Trump's administration from carrying out steep cuts to federal grant funding for research that universities and Democratic-led states warn would lead to layoffs, lab closures and a curtailment of scientific and medical studies. 

U.S. District Judge Angel Kelley in Boston issued a nationwide injunction at the request of 22 Democratic state attorneys general, medical associations and universities which argue the National Institutes of Health's planned funding cuts were unlawful.
"which would lead to layoffs..."

When the pipeline was shut down I didn't hear any Democrats care about layoffs.

And when Clinton bragged about cutting 337,000 government jobs I don't remember any resistance...
Updated 4 minutes ago
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